The practice of presence & inner listening is the foundation of my music teaching & somatic voice work, as well as my personal singing practice. So learning how to “sing” is really about tuning into one’s own instrument (the body) and learning how to play it so it feels pleasurable.

I like to meet people where they are, rather than come in with a preconceived “approach” to singing. There is a play here, as we figure out what is needed together. “Why are you really here?,” is the question we ask and figure out together.

Areas of teaching / coaching :

vocal healing: reconnecting to the love of singing and music

sound yoga: connecting the voice to the emotional/spirit/subtle body

vocal technique: developing confidence in using the voice, for singing or speaking

vocal improv: freeing the voice as an instrument to create, connect and play with others

song interpretation: coaching for a performance

early music education: lighting the fire for the joy of music and basic technical foundations for musical expression

Send inquires to kathweidermusic@gmail.com
